About Global Joint accreditation and recognition of Crown University Int’l Chartered Inc



The Crown University International Chartered in Inc. USA is a global recognized private research university which offers professional vocational training and higher education

It serves as an autonomous global recognized university, offering education and practical skill in the courses taught at its official partner’s constituents campuses at government regulated universities worldwide and online operation.


Crown University International Chartered Incorporated Inc. Entity is duly incorporated under the International Laws of 1704,1776 and 1787 in United States of America with chartered file number: 7594662 as a worldwide recognized teaching and research university with International Trade Mark registered of logo with an international trademark order of receipt number: 668383, Customer number:270163 in United States of America and official Partner of United Nations Global Compact and properly Accredited, Registered and Licensed with the following bodies : Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health of Santa Cruz Province , Argentina in South America, by then and later received global joint accreditation certificates and recognitions from the following: International Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education (INQAAHE) that was led by Board of Quality Standards (BQS) as one of its agencies and partners, Its salient to take notice that International Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education (INQAAHE) is an International Quality Assurance body that works closely with others National and International Accreditation bodies worldwide such as Council for Higher Education Accreditation in USA, Department of Education ,USA , European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Europe, National Accreditation Board, Ghana and other accreditation bodies worldwide with other academicians to control educational quality in around over 140 countries., it’s also a world-wide association of near 300 organizations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education, Please click here: https://www.inqaahe.org/qa-networks , to see worldwide list of partners and members that they are working as joint accreditation bodies under The International Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education (INQAAHE) where Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc. Received Global Joints Accreditation Certificates.


Apart from Crown University Intl Chartered Inc., received another joint Global Accreditation and Recognitions from the following: The United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), Human Rights Education Federation of the International Human Rights Commission , Geneva, Switzerland. World Accreditation Commission USA Official partner of UNESCO and associates world wide

Some Membership and partnership: Crown University International Chartered Inc. is a member of registered participant of International Association of Universities (IAU) Conference which is an official partner of UNESCO. The IAU secretariat is based in Paris and is located at the headquarters of UNESCO,

And others following globally recognized entities as stated below: International Academic and Management Association (IAMA), International Chartered World Learned Society, Africa Intl Institute for Professional Training and Research, Chartered World Institute of Encyclopedia of Books and many more like that world-wide with official worldwide partners constituent campuses at government regulated universities worldwide and online operation


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